Sunday, 31 May 2009 lights will guide you home:) 00:27 the undone skyscraper:) captain edward's motto.. now i know why they call you black bird. haha! jkjk. yo zul! haha!:D do boats pee too? splashing water+sun= paradise hi ya captain! haha!.lol please lower down your volume. polar bear sleeping in progress. haha!jkjk. uncovered beauty.. mdm ang and me :D zul, what are you doing? the map:D the threesome!:D many seasnails yeah!:D i found a dark seasnail!:D so did zul found a white one. haha! some geography learning. the gap in between:D undescribable beauty:) the water in the middle was very strong. take caution if you visit again!:D steady... watch your steps mates:D two monkeys on the loose! girs again:D he's gonna vomit blood if i really stepped due to my weight. haha! yo cecilia:D its too gorgeous! what a nice view:D speechless* the threesome version 2:D yo firdaus!:D whats wrong with your hair alvin? splash* peace!:D girls once again:D my photo skills! haha! taken by cecilia:) the person on the far left, pointing is rude! haha!:D jkjk. let me get something to open up your eyes... cecilia and i:D sheila and i:D isabel and i:D singapore flyer and sky scraper:D Friday, 29 May 2009 lights will guide you home:) 08:59 ![]() he's way too handsome!:D omg* lights will guide you home:) 07:41 27nd may 2009 a trip to semakau island landfill:D was extremely excited about the trip!:D actually prayed by the altar at home wishing it would not rain the next day! and it came true!:D thank you! it was sunny and bright the next day!:D everyone was so energetic! WOOHOO:D 4a2 and 4a3 did not attend the last lesson as we had to consume food first! haha. and guess what, when everyone's assembling, ann yew actually went home! OMG! he sent a message to chong boon saying ' help me give my wishes to everyone'. it sounded like he wanted to commit suicide! then mdm ang faster call him. and chong boon checked the message was sent 10 mins ago. then chong boon ran to the bus stop to find him! as chong boon went running, ann yew picked up the call! omg. although i did not know what he said through the phone, i know he was going to get a good scolding from ms noor. haha! then off we go to the jetty terminal at marina? then there came captain edward! at first the whole class did not knew him well, but throughout the journey we get to communicate with him more. it seems like he likes to do a ' handsome action'! haha! so when we took photos, we did the same action. haha! captain edward was extremely entertaining. cracked jokes, shared clear informations about the island and more! haha! a perfect tour guide i say:) THE ISLAND WAS EXTREMELY GORGEOUS! SEA SNAILS+ GENTLE WAVES+ SCORCHING SUN,+WONDERFUL SENERY,+GREAT PEOPLE= PARADISE:D then the island was actually split into two estate. one part is called pulau semakau and the other pulau sakeng. pulau sakeng has a story behind it! there was a malay girl found unconscious at one part of the island named sakeng. so the estate was named after her! haha! at first we did not believe wat captain edward said, but based on his seriousness everyone gave in. haha! in the lecture room was a great way to laugh off our butts!:D my classmates kept cracking lots of jokes when the video clip was over. and captain edward had a good laugh too! he learned some new nicknames of our classmates! like , black bird-raven , green- chong boon , starfish-cecilia and more else. no offence! sorry friends. haha! it was really a fruitful lesson!:D haha! after that we went for a ride around the island:D saw mangroves , huge drains, off-land fish farms, and more:D haha! then we went off the bus to enjoy the place:D actually took more pictures, but my phone appeared to be faulty! will update more photos some other days!:D and below are some of the phots which can be updated:) i love 4a2:D they rock:D what's with that face guys?haha!:D 4A2!:D girls:D im being squased and shot! oh my. haha!:D we are handsome as captain edward! haha:D jkjk. whole united 4a2:D girls again:D |
my words to you:) about me:) the name's suzanne soh jiajia:D a sagittarus shooting girl!:D born in 11th december1993:) and currently studying in peirce secondary:D I LOVE COLDPLAY!:D RED is the colour!:D watermelon and apple rock my soul!:D i love my clique:D i love my family:D song that breaks dawn:) let's get talkative!:D take a walk links gekchoobestie:D sockyinbro:D koonchengsisi:D lindasis:D shuey:D isabel:D joellelove:D meiqi:D sylvia:D sister:D serene:D colleen:D obamadruzaji:D raymond:D chongboon:D gabriel:D taro:D clifford:D oliver:D pacing back Reminiscene
March 2008May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 November 2008 January 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 February 2010 Credits Host: blogger and photobucket Editor: Vintage.veggie Brushes: ShadyMedusa Pictures: love4art Layout: broken love Background: Dancing Sheep Base Codes :summerhearts |